Stuff george carlin youtube
Stuff george carlin youtube

stuff george carlin youtube

You would imagine, then, that America – the supposed greatest country in the world and nominal democracy – would prioritize the education of its citizenry, in order to more fully realize its full potential as a leader on the world stage. However, beneath the mockery, Carlin believed very strongly in education, and was always outraged by how our so-called “benevolent leaders” continually failed to ensure the education of the next generation.Įducation is key to an informed, functioning democracy. Many of his comedy specials heavily featured the calling out and/or general mocking of the uneducated.

stuff george carlin youtube

Pretty awesome, right? This quote illustrates a theme that Carlin returned to time and time again during his lifetime: the value of education. “ Don’t just teach your children to read…Teach them to question what they read.I’ll start with this one, which is one of my favorites: For the sake of brevity, I’ll only talk about a few. If I were to talk about all of them, we’d be here until climate change inevitably kills us all. There’s no shortage of quotable Carlin lines. It’s his political commentary that I’d like to talk about today, so without further ado, let’s dive right in. A true legend of comedy, his biting commentary on a variety of topics from religion to politics never failed to elicit raucous laughter and knowing nods and winks from his audiences – many of whom were blissfully unaware that they were part of the very problems he was ranting about. I don’t think I need to do much of an introduction for this one. George Carlin, about to drop some real talk on your head.

Stuff george carlin youtube