- #How to make a background picture fit the screen in html code#
- #How to make a background picture fit the screen in html free#
#How to make a background picture fit the screen in html code#
Alternatively you can adjust the code to use a more suitable width for your device (i.e. I don't know what device/size screen you'll be viewing this on, so you may need to resize your screen or reorient your device to see the effect. Those two buttons change the orientation of the editor/preview pane, and therefore the width of the viewport.Īlternatively, try clicking the Preview button, then resizing your browser window to see the same effect.ĭoing this should switch the image from a close-up of the kitten's face, to a larger version that includes the kitten's whole body. This element allows you to load a different image, depending on the user's screen pixel density, viewport size, image format, and other factors.Ĭlick the two orientation buttons at the top right of the editor to toggle the two images. One of the more recent additions to HTML is the picture element. The picture Element and Responsive Design I encourage you to look at that page, because there are several other things you can do with regards to resizing/cropping/repeating background images, etc. When working with background images, you also have the option of using the background property as a shorthand to specify the background image URL, its size, the background color, etc, all in one go. You can also supply any length or percentage value, the cover keyword, or auto (which specifies that the image size is automatically determined using the intrinsic width and/or height of the image).įurther to this, all CSS properties are able to use the initial, inherit, and unset values. In this example, I use the contain keyword to specify the size of the background image.
In particular, you can use the background-size property to resize background images. You can also resize background images using CSS. thumbnail if you want the class applied to all elements that use that class.
#How to make a background picture fit the screen in html free#
Feel free to change img.thumbnail to just. You would need to use something like video.thumbnail in your stylesheet for video thumbnails. This prevents you from inadvertently applying the class to the wrong element in the event that another element uses a class of the same name.įor example, if a video element had class="thumbnail", the above class won't be applied to it. By doing this, I'm specifying that only img elements that use the thumbnail class will have those styles applied. What I mean is, I've used img.thumbnail in the CSS. You might notice that I've prefixed the class name with img. Therefore, images with that class will be sized using those explicit dimensions instead. However, it also sets a class for thumbnails (called thumbnail) which explicitly sets their width and height. Use background-attachment: scroll if you want the image to scroll along with the page.This sets all img elements to a maximum width of 100%. That is, the image will not move when we scroll down the page.
background-attachment: fixed “Anchor” the image to the window itself.background-repeat: no-repeat Do not repeat the image, since we are stretching to fill.
background-position: center Center the image on the page.background-image: URL(IMG.JPG) Captain Obvious, which image to use as the background.The idea here is simple, just set the image as the background, let it resize itself to fit the page. Once upon a time in the Dark Ages of the Internet, we have to do all sorts of crazy “CSS hacks” and “Javascript to detect dimensions on screen resize”… Not anymore.